Posts Tagged ‘installation’

I have working on something on top of node.js and wanted to install on my hosting account. There are many tutorials available on this topic but they have some or the other thing incomplete. Hence I decided to combine all of them together and post here a working solution.

1. Create the directory to store the Node binaries

mkdir -m 755 node creates the folder used to store the Node.js binaries

2. Download & Compile Node.js

tar -xvf node-v0.8.0.tar.gz


Procedure to Install Django, Python, SVN on your HostMonster shared web hosting account.

  1. First Login to your SSH Client(Putty) using your credentials.
  2. Python
    Create a directory named “python” where your Python executable will reside.
    mkdir pythonNow download ,extract, compile and then install the source for Python 2.7.1 (We are not using Python 3.1 because currently Django does not support Python 3 and won’t for at least a year)

    tar -xjf Python-2.7.1.tar.bz2
    cd Python-2.7.1
    ./configure -prefix=$HOME/python
    make –j8 && make install

    make –j8 will speed up building as it will be executed in 8 concurrent threads. (more…)